Monday, 25 November 2013

Jumpsuit Love

Hi everyone!
I don't know about you, but I have a very strong relationship with jumpsuits and playsuits. I mean, they always save my day - when I'm having one of those lazy moments - as I will not need to put a whole outfit together. Consequently, I merely put on some jewellery, and a jacket if it's winter, and voilà‎, I'm good to go.

Millie Mackintosh Tailored Jumpsuit // Printed Playsuit // Scallop Playsuit // Tribal Print Playsuit // White and Black Bardot Frill Jumpsuit 

For all jumpsuit and playsuit lovers like myself, Rare London is offering you an exclusive 15% discount on all jumpsuits and playsuits. Boom..your New Year's day outfit is sorted! To benefit from this offer, which is valid till the end of December, simply use the code Jumpsuit15 at checkout! 

Happy Shopping! 


  1. See I'm the opposite, jumpsuits annoy me cos they're so annoying to get in and out of hahah xxx

    1. Hahah I agree with you from that aspect :) But I'm willing to suffer that rather than having to put together an outfit when I don't feel like x

  2. I love the last one. :) This is something I wanna wear but feel I can't because I'm a short girl. :(

    The Clothes Muse

    1. I'm short too! I'm sure you would look great! :) x

  3. love the first and third one the most, but they are all very cute!

    nice blog you have btw ;)


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